Jinns, also known as ghosts, are fascinating creatures originating in Arabic mythology and folklore. They are often described as supernatural entities with free will and the ability to do both good and evil. In Islamic tradition, jinns are considered a distinct species, made of smokeless fire, who, like humans, have the responsibility to make choices and endure trials.
Read moreVoodoo is a religious and spiritual practice originating in West African traditions
Voodoo is a religious and spiritual practice that has its origins in West African traditions, but has spread throughout history to different parts of the world, notably to Haiti and other parts of the Caribbean. It is a complex and diverse tradition that combines indigenous African belief systems and influences from Catholicism and, in some cases, other religions.
Black magic and white magic are concepts often used to categorise different forms of magical practices and rituals. However, these terms refer to different ideas and are often interpreted in different ways depending on cultural, historical and individual beliefs.
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