
oracle cards

Sranang Tarot

Sranang Tarot is a deck of 78 cards. It looks so much like the casual card game we all know. Putting down Tarot cards can be seen as a way of using Icon cards to better understand all aspects of your daily life in you in your life. If you want to understand the Tarot better, you can use it in the following ways: love, work, conscience, self-development with Sranang tarot. Cards you are guided by your guide (wintys)

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Wouldn't we have to suffer too much to know and feel what great happiness and peace is?

You see it a lot around you. But no further problems are caused by our Creator. We used to abuse our free choice, our free will. You cannot cheat, threaten, steal money or property or kill someone. We ourselves started (initiated) this whole process by making the wrong decisions. That is why this law is also called the law of cause and effect (the law of karma). There is real (cosmic) justice in the universe. There is little point in knowing what happened in the near or very distant past. There is a "lid" on top, so to speak. In fact, this is our own protection. Only from the other side of the fourth sphere of light (consciousness) can you look back on past lives. Eventually you will be liberated from earthly (material) karma. Only then is it really useful to look back on them.

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How can we build pure consciousness?

It takes a human being to spend countless lifetimes in our universe to become a spiritually aware human being. Earth is the third planet born from the seven in the universe. In other words, we are only halfway there. Again and again, we are drawn to earth. This happens through the law of reincarnation and the law of karma. You reap what you sow. We are "driven" by our Creator to keep growing. This is a billion-year process. Each experience brings you one step closer to greater insight and deeper feeling (awareness). So we have all been on the road to spiritual awareness for a long time. Consciously turn your experience into something else. On the other hand, don't dwell too long on one experience. It also leaves other experiences behind. Try to make every day meaningful. Don't dwell on success and build from it.

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Surinamese Gypsy fortune-telling oracle cards

The Surinamese Gypsy divination oracle cards have been known for centuries for their ability to predict the future. Thus, these cards have long been used for this purpose. The online oracle cards for Surinamese Gypsy divination have enchanting images and the power to make your mind more accessible to the spiritual. If you are spiritual and want to delve more into this, especially use these oracle cards of fortune-tellers. If you live from day to then, you are mostly concerned with the now. For you, now is reality and the rest is fantasy. All emotions are fine, both negative and positive emotions.  

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Surinamese gypsy divination cards

The Surinamese Gypsy Soothsaying cards are an oracle created from ordinary playing cards around the 16th century decomposed a subset consisting of 37 cards with images relating to facets of everyday life. Reading Gypsy cards is used to get answers to questions in all kinds of areas; answers that should lead to greater insight into our self to the world around us. See here what insights the Suriname gypsy cards can give you.Many people experience a fascination with the Suriname gypsy cards because of their gift of predicting the future.

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