
life lessons

The misunderstood messengers of a new era: New Age children and ADHD

The misunderstood messengers of a new era: New Age children and ADHD

The children of the new age serve as a reflection of ourselves, showing what radiates from within us, as if we were looking through a mirror. Their actions and behaviours mirror our own. If we are concerned, they will also be concerned. Should we lack inner harmony, they will experience imbalance. And when grief engulfs us, the new age child will cry in the darkness of the night as their tears flow without understanding. In this way, they reveal our emotions, our sincere thoughts and the unresolved issues that linger within us. Indeed, they possess an innate ability to perceive the true nature of our being and unconsciously assimilate it as their own.

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With the arrival of a new year comes the potential for personal growth and self-expression

With the arrival of a new year comes the potential for personal growth and self-expression

With the arrival of a new year comes the potential for personal growth and self-expression. According to the forecast, February offers a host of promising prospects waiting to be embraced, with the first signs of success already in sight. To delve deeper into what lies ahead, check out the detailed horoscope for February 2024, which also reveals the promising date for your own special celebration.

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transformative power of the spiritual year of tarot Rachida Kacimi

transformative power of the spiritual year of tarot Rachida Kacimi

Experience the transformative power of tarot Rachida Kacimi's spiritual year as it aligns you with the cosmic energies of 2024. During this journey, you will receive profound healing and unlock the ability to manifest your deepest desires. Prepare to awaken your spiritual consciousness and embark on a journey of self-discovery, forever changing your perception of yourself, your existence and the world. Dive into the distinctive energy that each month brings with it and embrace the profound shifts that await you.

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Here is a guide on how to protect yourself from individuals who display manipulative and narcissistic behaviour.

Here is a guide on how to protect yourself from individuals who display manipulative and narcissistic behaviour.

To deal effectively with individuals who are manipulative and narcissistic, the most effective approach is to remove any responsibility from them. This includes giving up control of your life, emotions and allocation of your time and energy. By consistently implementing this strategy as a basis, you will find relief in your circumstances. Taking personal responsibility can be a big step forward, but it is undoubtedly the most effective method of dealing with manipulative-narcissistic individuals around you.
Pay no attention to them.

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Tarot cards

Tarot cards

Historical research indicates that the origins of the tarot game date back to the 15th century in northern Italy. This was achieved by expanding the existing deck of cards by adding four additional figure cards and twenty-two trump cards. Over the centuries, tarot cards have been used mainly for recreational purposes, including their use in games such as French tarot.

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Who am I really Dear members, Many people do a luku or several lukus and yet they don't know who they are and what they have. Others spend years... Read more

heightened sensitivity and intuition, you may find that you are susceptible to the wiles of a narcissus

heightened sensitivity and intuition, you may find that you are susceptible to the wiles of a narcissus

It is puzzling how, despite your keen perception, you have the warning signs. The explanation can be traced back to your formative years. Highly sensitive children", like other children, tend to devise to avoid the truth",. Only by overcoming the confusion and fear of childhood can you recognise and avert manipulative communication, harmful relationships. This is especially true if you grew up in a family with narcissistic tendencies.

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What happens when a butterfly crosses your path

What happens when a butterfly crosses your path

Transformation is symbolised by the butterfly. For this magnificent creature to fly in different colours and sizes, it has to undergo a long process. This process begins with the tiny caterpillar, which eats as much greenery as possible. The next stage is that of the adult caterpillar, which can vary enormously in appearance, ranging from dull to stunningly beautiful colours.
The caterpillar undergoes a transformation process that only it can sense, nestling itself in a cocoon. This cocoon serves as the location for an intricate metamorphosis. Eventually, the newly discovered form in the cocoon perceives the moment when it is time to emerge. It breaks out of its cocoon, unfolds its wings and flies as a new creature, untouched by its previous form.

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