
good mediums

What happens when a butterfly crosses your path

What happens when a butterfly crosses your path

Transformation is symbolised by the butterfly. For this magnificent creature to fly in different colours and sizes, it has to undergo a long process. This process begins with the tiny caterpillar, which eats as much greenery as possible. The next stage is that of the adult caterpillar, which can vary enormously in appearance, ranging from dull to stunningly beautiful colours.
The caterpillar undergoes a transformation process that only it can sense, nestling itself in a cocoon. This cocoon serves as the location for an intricate metamorphosis. Eventually, the newly discovered form in the cocoon perceives the moment when it is time to emerge. It breaks out of its cocoon, unfolds its wings and flies as a new creature, untouched by its previous form.

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Voodoo is a religious and spiritual practice originating in West African traditions

Voodoo is a religious and spiritual practice originating in West African traditions

Voodoo is a religious and spiritual practice that has its origins in West African traditions, but has spread throughout history to different parts of the world, notably to Haiti and other parts of the Caribbean. It is a complex and diverse tradition that combines indigenous African belief systems and influences from Catholicism and, in some cases, other religions.

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Black magic and white magic are concepts often used to categorise different forms of magical practices and rituals. However, these terms refer to different ideas and are often interpreted in different ways depending on cultural, historical and individual beliefs.

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Full moon&;lunar eclipse May 5, 2023

Full moon&;lunar eclipse May 5, 2023

Full moon & lunar eclipse 5 May 2023
On Liberation Day, the full moon is in Scorpio and there is a lunar eclipse. "You may feel 'forced' to go through a transition now. With a Scorpio influence, you simply cannot ignore certain emotions and feelings now, and a lunar eclipse can be a turning point. You are challenged, you have to take new steps, experience fear and other emotions, and let go of unprocessed ones.

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some mirrors are charged by a dog or cat

some mirrors are charged by a dog or cat

Did you know that some mirrors are charged by letting a dog or cat look into them first ? Why do they do that ? They say a dog and cat see very far and can see very well even at night . Furthermore, one says wang dagu e yere sani sa joe no mang yere. A dagu kan smeri sang joe no smeri . The same goes for a cat. People also sometimes let a baby look in ! They do so because they say the child is still innocent and pure and that is why the mirror starts clean and pure. These are secrets all known to experienced paiy and dumans. The Mirror then becomes more powerful and one can perceive a lot because of this. Things like feelings and detail informative. Also, such a mirror gives real images and symbols. As a result, such a mirror acts almost like and television.

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How do you go about finding a good medium?

I, Rachida Kacimi, open my third eye for you. You can also read about my areas of expertise by looking at my description.My areas of expertise range from behavioural problems to black arts,relationship problems,new age children,guides(winty s)put right , dealing with the deceased and dealing with grief. You can also contact me for questions about paranormal phenomena, spiritual experiences and dreams.

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