
Spiritual Henna

In Morocco, henna is said to come with spiritual blessings. So henna is blessed and it gives blessings through hand-to-hand touch. 

Henna is so much more than a decoration. Henna is an art form and it is worn in meaningful rituals and ancient traditions. It is a cultural heritage that owes its world fame to the wonder and fascination it evokes in anyone who comes into contact with it for the first time. I, Rachida Kacimi, give people consultations (Luku). When I see that people have a lot of negativity, I advise them to use the pure henna. 

who uses henna: 

Arabs, Africans, Turks and Indian. Henna is also used in other cultures. Spiritual Henna


Extracted from the henna bush, Lawsonia inermis, henna is a dye derived from the green autumn leaves of this sole species in the genus Lawsonia. The shrub belongs to the Lythraceae family (cattail family) and is native to North Africa, the Near East and India. The plant has been cultivated since 3500 BC and is versatile with perfumes derived from the flowers. Once mixed with a weak acid such as lemon juice, lawone, an active ingredient in the dye, interacts with the proteins present in the hair to produce a range of colours. Blonde hair turns red, brown hair turns chestnut and grey hair turns orange. 


In most henna powders, dyes such as the aromatic nitroamine compound sodium picrate are often added as colour activators and stabilisers to create different colours, such as mahogany (mahogany), terracotta (chestnut brown) and golden yellow. These substances can damage human genetic material. 

Pure henna is 100% pure with no additives. Therefore, my (Rachida Kacimi) treatment is pure. 

The henna has the action for: Protection, fertility and happiness. Spiritually, henna can also have healing properties. In Morocco, it is said to contain Baraka. Baraka can be phrased as blessings. It is thus a tool to support transitions in life.


Black henna 

Is not pure henna. Back in 2005, the VWA warned against the use of temporary tattoos with 'black henna', especially if obtained on holiday. While pure henna tattoos tend to fade within a few weeks with little to no problems, 'black henna' tattoos contain p-phenylenediamine (PPD) to speed up the process and create a darker shade. Unfortunately, PPD can cause intense allergic reactions that can have long-lasting effects. To avoid such a reaction, the VWA recommends avoiding 'black henna' tattoos and being wary of paste that can be removed after an hour, which is a telling sign of its use. Normally, the paste should stay on as long as possible.