lobi reaching the deepest levels of intimacy

lobi reaching the deepest levels of intimacy: the expansion of new territories.
Many things happen in your consciousness and energy when you meet a soulmate.
New perspectives are available. You feel an intense, underlying engagement.
Rachida believes the soul is an ever-growing awareness of consciousness.
Just by taking in the beauty of these words,
you can feel the incredible power, lobi and enlightenment you have at a deeper level of being.
Your spirit does not have to be alone. Through your spirit, you are always connected to your spiritual family,
the circle of light beings around you, and all the other associations you are sometimes aware of, and sometimes not.
Many of you are associated with different souls born on earth.
It is not uncommon that you will occasionally find a soul mate or more on Earth!
Deep band
You recognise recognised souls by the frequency of their presence before, during and after an interaction. Something in you is revived. Something in you is affected. Even though it is usually impossible to describe, you recognise something about the other person. A collective consciousness, identical vibrations, identical light, a collective memory.
There is a fundamental, inner love: love at the core level.
It is said that you create and are yourself. Everyone else participates in that. Because of this, you can perceive a clash between soulmates as a meeting between two worlds. The dimensions of love and light are combined.
Acknowledgement facilitates the world of the other. More complex layers can be accessed from within yourself. There is lobi attached to all these layers, and you can explore them and create your own.
You may believe that the potential for greatness is there every time you interact with a soulmate!
Unfolding the potential
When you meet a soul mate for the first time,
you don't know what the universe has in store for you. And what is the possible way to express love? Sometimes no form is needed. Therefore, it is crucial that you spend the time needed to fully unfold it.
As the likelihood of the encounter increases, the dimensions of love and enlightenment will gradually become part of your being on Earth. Through this integration, you will increase the consciousness of the planet.
This facilitates the expansion of Earth's dimensions available to you as well as to everyone else.
As a result, meeting a soul mate has a bigger impact on you than you might initially think!
Personality type
Sometimes it is mischievous to meet a soul mate. especially if you have a deep love of soul. It is a fallacy to believe that every encounter will lead to a partnership. Of course this is possible, but it is not necessary.
Give yourself permission to feel the lobi that is present, without prejudice and without having to participate in it in any way. Experience the light that is present and explore the extra layers that are accessible. Enjoy the connection!
Personal experience
My companion and I have a shared sense of awareness and enlightenment. I consider him a friend. In addition, I occasionally meet someone with whom I feel a connection. Of course, in my dreams I revisited another dementia who had a spiritual composition of family members. The basic energy of these interactions is a profound, mostly silent lobi. An appreciation of the recognition and immense happiness of being on earth.