
October's new energy

October's new energy

October always has a magical and mystical feel and is often seen as a time of spiritual depth and self-reflection. "The falling leaves illustrate the symbolism of October: we absorb the last nutrients and energy of summer and release what we no longer need."

We meet our own shadows in the dark silence and reflect on how to improve our lives.

October spiritual energy

October always feels magical and mysterious. This is obviously because the days are getting shorter, but also because the veil between our physical and non-physical worlds is thinning, culminating in Samhain on 31 October. Moreover, October is the month of the mystical and spiritual Scorpio. From 23 October, we feel the true energy of autumn.

We too are now in autumn. Autumn represents harvest, but also letting go and preparing for winter. We meet our own shadows in the dark silence and reflect on how to improve our lives. Reflection is an important part of October: what went well during the hustle and bustle of spring and summer, and what can be improved?
October's astrological energy

In October, the sun changes from Libra to Scorpio. As a result, astrological energies also change: from a focus on relationships, harmony and social interactions (Libra) to mystery, spirituality and the underworld (Scorpio).

Until 22 October, we will feel Libra's harmonious, relationship-oriented energy, and our lives will become lighter. We will feel like we are with loved ones, snuggled up under a blanket, and you may have upgraded your home. From 23 October, the Sun moves into Scorpio.

Scorpio represents profound transformation, intuition and deep emotions. Scorpio is also a sign that excels in shadow work. So don't be surprised if your shadow is suddenly exposed to the sun in late October. This is amplified by as many as five retrograde energies. Introspection, transformation and your deepest, darkest self are the watchwords for October.

The eclipse season comes to an end on October 2, easing the heaviness of September and ushering in a new chapter. In this monthly horoscope for October, discover what October means for your zodiac sign.
dark magic

The sun gets less bright, which means the sky gets darker. This adds an extra layer of mystery and makes you more introverted. Follow the flow of darkness, light the candle and turn around. That's what this month asks of you.
Autumn and letting go

The falling leaves reveal the symbolism of autumn: we absorb the last nutrients and energy of summer and let go of what we no longer need. Which 'leaves' can you let go of? Which things in your life no longer energise you, which things have you put on the mask to avoid being noticed, which things no longer matter to you? Autumn is the perfect time for this kind of reflection.

Besides letting go of psychological baggage, October's energy is also the perfect time to really clean up your home. Both mentally and physically. In this article, you will read how to cleanse your home mentally.
Samhain (October 31) and the veil between worlds

In addition, Samhain on 31 October is also an important day. According to many witches and other spiritual people, this is the most spiritual day of the year. On this day, the veil between our world and the energy world is thinnest and you can more easily contact both the dead and your ancestors. In this article, you will learn what you can do when the veil between the two worlds is thinnest, and in this article you will learn about the four rituals.

Your ancestors are also very important in October. October is the perfect month to explore and address ancestral trauma.

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