
What to expect in September

What to expect in September

Uranus retrograde can leave you in your head, mulling over what has happened recently and the odds. With Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, it is time to let go and close this big, big chapter from your past. They feel like they are approaching much stronger forces of freedom along with retrogrades. When Mars enters Cancer on 4 September, it encourages us all to fight for what we want most in life because those energies will be amplified! Full moon Lunar eclipse!

During Uranus retrograde, you can find out recent events and the doors that opened for them. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn will determine whether you are ready to let go of something and bring final closure to an important past. Collectively, these retrogrades will make you feel like you are about to be set free. Mars in Cancer on the 4th reintroduces us to our passions.
Lunar eclipse

Uranus is retrograde, giving you time to process everything that has happened recently and the opportunities you have. With Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, it is time to really let go and close this most important chapter of your past. Together, these retrogrades make you feel like you are about to be handed more freedom on a silver platter. On 4 September, Mars enters Cancer and puts actions behind those words that show/remind us of what really matters.
Lunar eclipse

Uranus retrograde helps you work on developments and doors that have recently been closed or opened for you. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn to really let go and finish this big chapter from the past. Together, these retrogrades make you feel like more freedom is just around the corner. Mars enters Cancer on September 4, emphasising the areas closest to your heart. Full moon/moon eclipse is at

Uranus retrograde helps you internalise past events and opportunities that have come. When Pluto becomes retrograde in Capricorn, be prepared to shed some skin and end this big, bad era once and for all. Collectively, these retrogrades will make it seem like you are on the verge of greener pastures. On the 4th, Mars enters Cancer, reminding us where our heart lies... Welcome!
Lunar eclipse

Monthly horoscope for all zodiac signs in September 2024
Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Lucky day: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happiness theme: innovative wealth

Aries, you might need to take some time to figure out what to do with the logistics of a particular idea. And after that? Welcome to Limitless. On the financial front, this month sees the reversal of changes for a better and ample validity period for previously laid plans on how Aries will make more money.

Although the eclipse cycle of Aries and Libra continues until May 2025, this penumbral lunar eclipse in Pisces offers insight into what will happen next year and beyond. Pay attention to this lunar eclipse, especially as Saturn retrograde will give you much-needed information on where to commit to achieving great results. There are so many ways in which the cosmos is constantly trying to reveal to you what your ultimate destiny is; sometimes, during moments like this, you realise exactly how close you are to living that ideal life that has long been considered a pipe dream.

Monthly horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs in September 2024

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Lucky day: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happiness theme: innovative wealth

You may need some time at the beginning of the month to work out the practical details of a plan, Aries, but after that, the sky is your limit. The money front will turn positive for you in September, as you will have ample time to digest the changes and new concepts you have had to make even more money.

You are fine with spontaneous intuitive thoughts; therefore, the energy brought by Uranus retrograde in Taurus on Sunday 1 September will also benefit you. In particular, it will help you plan for the financial future. Keep in mind what you want and listen carefully to yourself and don't be reluctant to experiment with a new idea to make the progress that is hoped for.

How do you take care of yourself as an Aries? Taurus (20 April - 20 May)

Lucky day: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happiness theme: a second chance

on freedom

You get a second chance at freedom, Taurus. The second chance in your life appears when Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, September 1. The next month you welcome the idea of: this second chance at freedom, with the given luck and even abundance. Although Pluto does not go direct until October 11, feel free, but make those much-needed important choices.

Keep dreaming about your life or start living it, Taurus. As uncomfortable as it will be to have regrets, in this case it will help you realise what you want. That is exactly what Pluto retrograde in Capricorn would bring back into your life. But if you get a second chance, it might be time to take it. You won't get this chance again in life.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Lucky day: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Happiness theme: follow your dreams

Gemini, you have been working for what you wanted and now is the time when you get to see the results of all your labour. Saturn has passed through your career house, which means you have had to work extra hard and also invest extra time to make sure you are successful. Then, when the full moon is in Pisces and there is a partial lunar eclipse on Wednesday 18 September, well, at least an opportunity presents itself and we can see if where you are going is still where you want to be.

You are destined for great things, dear Cancer - you just have to start chasing your dreams. There is a current theme in your life that asks you to prioritise yourself over everything and everyone else. This is not because only your success matters, but because one fine day you want to know that this is the life you are meant to live and if you keep putting others first, it may not be yours.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Lucky day: Monday, September 2, 2024

Happiness theme: Remember your value

New beginnings should be welcomed, Leo; however, keep in mind what you are worth. The new moon in Virgo on Monday improves your financial life and helps you earn more. It also boosts the appeal of your dreams.

A star is born, dear Cancer, as soon as you start pursuing your dreams. With the way next week's theme has encouraged you to put yourself first above all other factors in your life, work or even success, which may seem rather selfish of you. But it is not about being self-centred, but about making sure you are aware of the life that is meant for you and putting others before yourself well, we might just do that.

Wednesday, September 4, Mars moves into Cancer. This brings more courage, more determination and perhaps the desire to make your dreams come true. It can be incredibly motivating because Mars is all about what drives us forward, so you will feel invigorated by taking some action on what this means for you personally. You also have a say in whether your success is important or not, and you can choose to push yourself further in it, especially if it means going back to work or even taking a new career path. Because hey, you deserve to be successful, but you also deserve to know that you are working towards fulfilling cosmic missions in this life.

The cosmos has tried to introduce you to some new ideas, Virgo, and in September you will. But it also brings with it the opportunity to work together for the greater good. You get an offer or opportunity that can bring more money into your life. Whether it's related to your current work or an investment opportunity out of the blue, always keep in mind that you won't do this all by yourself.

Virgo loves to plan and with Mercury retrograde in this earth sign, you should be all set for what needs to be done to attract more wealth into your life. You will also begin to see that knowing your worth plays a big part in what you can create. Knowing your worth helps give you the confidence needed to take big steps, even risks in your life, trusting that you deserve all the success that is meant for you intuitively. By September, as long as you have a success plan and never settle for less than what you deserve? Richer, happier feeling it will surely be!

How to take care of yourself as a Virgo
Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Lucky day: Wednesday, September 4

Happiness theme: Invest in your life

The cosmos has been trying to open you up to new possibilities, Virgo, and in September you will finally do so. But it is also getting the chance to work together for a greater good, you will get an offer or opportunity that has the power to bring more money into your life. Whether it's a job or a totally unexpected investment opportunity, let it be known that you're not going to do this alone.

Focus your attention on networking or business and involve your loved one so that you get all the support you need to manifest success. At some point, you may feel that it is better to work on a particular dream alone. Well, that's only because others have been disappointed in the past. Take a chance, not just on yourself, but on the idea that the right person in your corner will make a difference.

It's your life, dear Libra, but you need to start living it like it is. You are being pushed out of your comfort zone by Jupiter in Gemini and that means that if you get it right, your life will look very different next year. But change can be frightening, especially without a shred of willingness to find out what embracing your destiny really means. Not only urged to invest in the life you want to live, but also asked to choose for yourself.
That's your life, dear Libra, but you need to start living it like it is! You are being pushed out of your comfort zone by Jupiter in Gemini. Which means that if you get it right, your life will look very different next year. But change can be scary, especially if you don't want to know what embracing your destiny really means. Not only urged to invest in the life you want to live, but also urged to choose for yourself. Welcome!

When Mars returns to Cancer on Wednesday, September 4, you will have a greater urge to pursue career-related matters. This force is closely linked to the abundance of change that Jupiter in Gemini brings into your life, but don't think twice about making decisions that suit you best. Whatever you want for your career, be resolute about it because it will define your tomorrow!

What does a Libra self-care routine look like?
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Lucky day: Sunday, September 8, 2024
Happiness theme: Work smart, not hard

As someone who doesn't mind working hard, dear Scorpio, you might want to consider how you could work smarter. Part of you is tired of feeling like you have to fight all the time for what you want or what you think you deserve. But to get more into this life of ease, it might be wise to rethink your approach to your career and finances and honour your self-worth.

The more you feel you are struggling to keep your head above water, the more likely it is that you are not living in accordance with your truth. Instead of clinging to your life, let it go and see what happens. Focus on the choices you can make for yourself that are in line with who you are and what you want to get out of life - and see what happens. Working smarter, not harder, starts with your choice to move from surviving to thriving; But you are the only one who can make that decision.

Start a new job, project or even role within your current company, with a focus on your career. You will find it very interesting to find the work-life balance you are looking for, but if it is worth it, consciously make time for both so that you can navigate what your romantic life demands of you. While you should focus on balance, make sure you don't try to do everything at once. That may mean respecting your limits, both in your work and time with loved ones, because it is not your job to make everyone happy by only doing what you think is best.

Second chances are your second nature, Sagittarius; you go through life assuming that another opportunity will come your way. While this philosophy has usually served you well and proved true in many cases in the past, you should be careful not to assume that whatever you decide to do will automatically lead you to your destination. The world is nice, but it cannot bring about something you don't work on yourself.

Mercury re-enters Virgo on Monday 9 September and the same career themes that came up in July and August return, bringing with it another great opportunity. Remember that not every opportunity presents itself and you also need to decide what you want for your life, not just right now. You may have to wait for immediate gratification in this moment so that what you choose is actually something you can live with. But whatever the decision, Sagittarius, don't gamble on it returning when you feel more deserving in the future.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Lucky day: Sunday, September 22, 2024

Happiness theme: time to take action

The Libra season is all about improving your career, dear Capricorn, so when this new cycle begins on the 22nd, make sure you put yourself to work. The Sun represents decisions and actions we take in our outer world, with Libra these decisions and actions fall in our professional life.

As you start a new job, project or role within your current company, you should focus on this in relation to your career. You will find that it is harder to find the work-life balance you are looking for, but by doing this consciously, you should be able to navigate what your romantic life asks of you. While you need to focus on balance, you also need to make sure you don't try to do everything, which means respecting your boundaries at work and in the time you spend with your loved ones, because it's not about making everyone happy - it's about doing what you feel is right.

How do you take care of yourself as a Capricorn? Read what you need.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Lucky day: Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happiness theme: making room for everything

If there are processes of transformation, Aquarius, you don't have to feel that you have to decide right now. Let's see how you feel when Mercury enters Libra on Thursday 26 September, even if you are surrounded by opportunities. Try not to fill all the space with whatever comes your way, be it career opportunities, personal opportunities or even travel opportunities, until the Libra eclipse in October, when more will be revealed.

Right now, you just have to accept what comes your way and also recognise that you are not obliged to make immediate decisions. But at the same time, you need to keep an open mind in that process. Immerse yourself in new experiences, have conversations about the future and even entertain the ideas that come to you intuitively. Then practise the art of pausing so that you understand that sometimes it only takes a few moments to realise what is really yours.

When Pallas enters Sagittarius on Sunday 8 September, this ability is enhanced by asking you to embrace your inner wisdom before making snap decisions, and to always trust yourself. You don't have to be like everyone else to achieve the success you desire. This means that although others may advise you, you don't have to change who you are to align with your goals. Find the best answers for you - especially how they relate to lasting success and recognition in your career - and you will surely come out on top.

What to expect in September

When Pallas moves into Sagittarius on Sunday 8 September, this ability is further strengthened and you are expected to draw on inner wisdom before making quick decisions - and to trust yourself at all times. To achieve the success you want, you don't have to fit in with what everyone else is doing. So while others may give you tips, you don't necessarily have to change yourself to fit your goals. Just work on finding the right answers for yourself, especially regarding long-term success and recognition in your career, and you will surely come out on top.

And when Pallas moves into Sagittarius on Sunday 8 September, this ability is strengthened and you are expected to rely on that inner wisdom before making impulsive decisions - and always trust yourself. You don't have to be a people pleaser to achieve the success you want. That means that while others can give you advice, you don't necessarily have to change who you are to align with your goals. Just focus on finding the right answers for you, especially in terms of what represents lasting success and recognition within your career, and you will end up at number one.

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